Thursday, December 17, 2009

SNS: o mesmo fim da Grécia?

Lemos isto: Europe’s leading healthcare companies have complained to Brussels over the non-payment of debts on drugs and other medical products they say total almost €7bn by the Greek public health system.

Faz-nos lembrar algo! O quê? Isto: "A recente audição não foi suficientemente esclarecedora quanto à situação financeira dos hospitais e centros hospitalares EPE (Entidade Pública Empresarial) do Sistema Nacional de Saúde (SNS)". E isto: a dívida dos hospitais subiu para os 596,1 milhões de euros, o que representa uma subida de 36,9 por cento face aos valores de Janeiro. Em termos de demora nos pagamentos, o valor aumentou 47,4 por cento face a Janeiro, estando agora nos 286, ou seja, os hospitais públicos demoram, em média, 286 dias a pagar aos fornecedores da indústria farmacêutica.

Entretanto, a Dra. Ana Jorge já não tem a Gripe A, como tema de preleção diária! Do Secretário de Estado da Saúde, responsável pelo orçamento do SNS, Óscar Gaspar, nem se ouve falar!

Repare-se nos procedimentos que o Governo grego tem seguido, que são muito semelhantes aos do Governo de Portugal:
  • No regular payments have been received from the Greek health ministry since 2005, when a settlement was reached on outstanding bills from earlier years.
  • He pointed to one “astonishing” proposal made this spring, when the previous government had proposed that drug and device companies should provide further loans to tide over the current debts, rather than offering any repayment.

Só que a paciência tem limites:

  • That offer was refused, and a number of companies have begun legal action in Greek courts in recent weeks against hospitals for debts that in some cases have accumulated over four years. The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, a trade body, has lodged a formal complaint with the European Commission that the Greek government has violated a European Union directive on the speedy payment of bills.
  • Octapharma, a Swiss-based business specialising in blood plasma products, has recently obtained an interim order to freeze the assets of one Greek hospital that owes it money.