Friday, November 13, 2009

Cuidado com os hipocondríacos!

A doença dos porcos, também conhecida por Swine flu ou por Gripe A, ou ainda por, H1N1, faz parte da agenda mediática, sabe-se lá porquê!

Vejamos este caso de um patrão dos EUA que aproveita a onda do H1N1, para tirar partido da situação: Last week, my son's school was closed down because of an H1N1 outbreak there. A colleague's daughter also attends that school. Neither child has any flu symptoms, luckily. My colleague and I are also symptom-free. I'm assuming that if we were going to get sick, we already would have, since the incubation period is past.

Mas, o referido patrão dos EUA, segue os conselhos da OMS, do Dr. George e da Dra. Jorge, e não cede perante o "monstro da gripe suína": Nevertheless, my crazy boss sent my colleague and me home on "indefinite leave." When we asked why, he said he was doing it "as a precaution." Both my banished coworker and I are out of sick days now, so we're losing pay for no good reason. Is this legal?

Pois é, às vezes dá jeito a alguém, criarem-se bolhas mediáticas!