Monday, October 30, 2006


A pressão dos custos de saúde mantém-se por todo o lado. Na Grã-Bretanha (país que inspirou os políticos portugueses, no desenho do serviço de saúde), a situação de pressão de custos e dos necessários cortes, também está na ordem do dia: "The government says just over 900 NHS staff are set to be made redundant as part of hospital reorganisations".

Os sindicatos afirmam
isto: "Unions have warned up to 20,000 jobs are set to go in hospitals across England".

O Ministro da Saúde responde: "In the main, employers are taking alternative steps to minimise the level of compulsory redundancies such as reducing staff levels through natural turnover, which is around 130,000 staff every year in the NHS anyway, redeployment and by reducing demand for agency staff". E ainda: "The number of compulsory redundancies should be seen in the context of a 300,000 increase in staff numbers across the NHS since 1997 - a rise of more than 29% - including 85,000 more nurses".

Da parte da Corporação de Enfermeiros afirma-se isto: "But ministers should be under no illusions about the serious impact on patients care if these posts are lost to the NHS".

Finalmente, a Oposição responde desta maneira: "What is demoralising NHS staff is that the incompetence and mismanagement of the Labour government has meant that after investment in expanding staffing numbers in the NHS, the financial deficits now mean hospitals are cutting back on the number of jobs".

A gestão não é uma ciência exacta. Engana-se quem pensa que sim.