A típica tolerância católica não é aceite nos países protestantes. Vejamos mais um exemplo:
- Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has warned NHS managers cannot expect to keep their jobs if they preside over failings in care.
- There were hundreds more deaths than expected at the hospital between 2005 and 2009. Some of those deaths were caused by the failings at the hospital.
- A public inquiry has been looking at how the failures in care were allowed to happen by managers and regulators. Ahead of its report, Mr Hunt called for "total openness and transparency when things go wrong", and a change of culture to give greater priority to compassion.
- "Just as a manager wouldn't expect to keep their job if they lost control of their finances nor should they expect to keep it if they lose control of the care in their organisation either,"
- "And that means above all happy and motivated staff - something that is always a priority in successful NHS organisations or indeed any other organisation as well. "Most of all we need a change of culture.
- "Patients must never be treated as numbers but as human beings, indeed human beings at their frailest and most vulnerable."
- The Patients Association backed Mr Hunt's comments, saying "managers and boards must be held accountable for what goes on within their trusts and the appropriate action must be taken".
Como se percebe, a situação reporta-se à Grã-Bretanha. Em Portugal, who cares!