Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dormir diminui a possibilidade de obesidade

Fonte: aqui.

Há estudos para tudo. Agora, aparece-nos um estudo dos Archives of General Psychiatry, que nos refere que as crianças que dormem menos, são mais sensíveis ao junk food e logo também têm mais possibilidade de virem a ficar obesos:
  • children who skip hours of sleep double their overall risk of being overweight, or obese.
  • The basic premise is that children and adults who do not get enough sleep are more likely to snack on junk foods, and also have far less energy, meaning they are less likely to take part in regular exercise.
  • They found that children are better off in terms of sleeping when they can have a regular time for bedtime, and waking up.

Ou seja, é importante dormir bem.