Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Family History Can Reduce Risk Of Colon Cancer Death, Recurrence

Fonte: aqui.

According to a new study from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, family history increases your chance of developing colon cancer, but researchers also found that family history can also decrease your chance of dying from the disease.

“The main finding was that patients who had a family member with colon or rectal cancer had improved outcomes,” said Dr. Chan “Patients with a family history of colon or rectal cancer had an approximately 25 percent decrease in the chances of having a cancer recurrence or death.”

“Beyond rare, well-characterized hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes, our data support the hypothesis that a relatively common though less penetrant genetic predisposition may not only influence colorectal cancer risk but also patient survival. This finding may reflect a distinct underlying molecular and pathogenic mechanism in cancers that develop in the setting of a common (i.e., sporadic) family history,” the researchers write. “Further studies are needed to more fully elucidate potential mechanisms by which a common family history may influence the outcome for patients with colorectal cancer.”

The study appears in the June 4 issue of Journal of American Medical Association.