Monday, February 05, 2007

Estratégia Europeia de Saúde

A União Europeia tem em discussão, desde meados da década de 90, a estratégia a prosseguir no domínio da saúde.

Neste momento, está em discussão a estratégia a seguir, a partir de 2010. Deixamos aqui, os principais aspectos que deverão constar da estratégia em acção:
  • Improve prevention of and response to health threats, including a review of the mandate of the European Centre for Disease Control.
  • Help reduce health inequalities, narrowing health gaps within and between countries.
  • Support citizens and patients, including by making more healthy choices available and improving information to patients.
  • Complement the work of national health systems in providing better quality and safety in healthcare (including issues of better governance and evaluation and use of technologies) and addressing cross border issues.
  • Promote health and help address key health determinants such as nutrition and physical activity, harmful alcohol consumption and smoking, as well as tackling important challenges such as mental health.