Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Maus comportamentos

Lemos na BBC, que: Secret emails reveal that the UK's biggest drug company distorted trial results of an anti-depressant, covering up a link with suicide in teenagers.

Nada está imune, no mundo em que vivemos. Mas, é grave que um dos maiores fabricantes de medicamentos do mundo, actue desta forma: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) attempted to show that Seroxat worked for depressed children despite failed clinical trials.

E que o estudo científico, que suportou o referido medicamento, tenha estes níveis de ética:

GSK's biggest clinical trial of Seroxat on children was held in the US in the 1990s and called Study 329. Child psychiatrist Dr Neal Ryan of the University of Pittsburgh was paid by GSK as a co-author of Study 329. In 2002 he also gave a talk on childhood depression at a medical conference sponsored by GSK. He said that Seroxat could be a suitable treatment for children and later told Panorama reporter Shelley Jofre that it probably lowered rather than raised suicide rates. In amongst the archive of emails in Malibu, Shelley was surprised to find that her own emails to Dr Ryan from 2002 asking questions about the safety of Seroxat had been forwarded to GSK asking for advice on how to respond to her.

Acreditamos, que a verdade venha ao de cima!