Sunday, October 08, 2006

The World of Health IT - 2006

Decorre entre 10 e 13 de Outubro de 2006, em Genéve, a "The World of Health IT - 2006".

Programa, verificamos que o tema da Conferência é: Connecting Leaders in Technology and Healthcare.

Deixamos alguns temas interessantes, que irão ser abordados na Conferência:

  • Linking IT System Design and Development to Service Improvement, por: Philip Firth.
  • ePrescribing and Medication Management: Interoperability, Medication Records, Decision Support (i2-Health), por: Stephan H. Schug e Marjan Suselj.
  • Experience of nationwide ePrescribing—Trends and Directions, por: Bengt Åstrand e Göran Petersson.
  • The Role of Speech Recognition in the Electronic Patient Record, por: Jaime Nieto Cervera.
  • Practical Aspects of the Use of IT in Healthcare, por: Itamar Offer.
  • IT in German University Hospitals — Status and Perspectives, por: Prof. Dr. Björn Bergh.
  • Are Europe’s Hospitals Ready? findings from 1.300 Interviews with CIOs, por: Véronique Lessens e Dr. Prof. Jan Peers.
  • Smart Procurement–new Ways for Accelerating ICT Deployment in Healthcare, por: Murray Bywater.
  • The APHP Hospital Experience: Improving Healthcare Efficiency and Performance, por: Louis Omnès.
  • eHealth Implementation in Lombardy, Italy and the Andalusia Region, Spain, por: Claudio Beretta e María Jesús Montero.

Mais uma vez, registamos que não está presente qualquer português, nesta Conferência.