Thursday, October 26, 2006

O decréscimo da satisfação com os sistemas de saúde

O nosso enfoque, por aqui, tem três vertentes: saúde, consumidor e Portugal. Mas, não deixamos de tentar entender a evolução dos cuidados de saúde, em países mais avançados.

A organização
Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) é uma entidade Americana que tem como missão: "to contribute to, to encourage, and to enhance the development of sound employee benefit programs and sound public policy through objective research and education".

EBRI publicou agora o "2006 Health Confidence Survey", referente aos E.U.A..

Retiramos algumas conclusões do referido
  1. "The 2006 Health Confidence Survey (HCS) finds that the public’s increasing dissatisfaction with the American health care system appears to be focused primarily on the rising cost of care".
  2. "Six in 10 Americans rate the health care system as fair (28 percent) or poor (31 percent). The percentage of individuals rating the system as poor has doubled since the inception of the HCS in 1998 (15 percent)".
  3. "Even as they report growing dissatisfaction with health care costs, Americans are more satisfied with the quality of care they have received than they are with the health care system as a whole".
  4. "prefer to use quality rather than cost as their primary consideration when making decisions about care".
  5. "Those with health coverage who have experienced an increase in health care costs in the past year are more likely to report their household finances have suffered as a result".

Ou seja, os Americanos apreciam a qualidade do seu serviço de saúde, mas acham-no caro. Não nos surpreende, o facto de que as pessoas exijam mais saúde, mas não queiram pagar mais....