Wednesday, October 04, 2006

O advento do "home-care"

Numa época em que se fala das dificuldades dos doentes serem atendidos nas urgências dos hospitais, quer pelo tempo que perdem para serem atendidos, quer pelo tempo que demoram a chegar aos hospitais, lemos aqui, que: "Now patients can avoid the hospital by monitoring their condition at home".

Esta notícia vem-nos dos EUA, onde "Nearly all of the nation's 325,000 dialysis patients are currently treated at medical centers". Mas, "he's reclaimed his life by controlling his treatment with a new portable home dialysis machine".

Reparemos nas vantagens para os doentes que sofrem de diabetes ou de tensão arterial elevada, quando têm este
  • A bit bigger than a PlayStation Portable, its Health Buddy features four buttons, a screen, and ports for scales, glucose meters, and blood pressure monitors.
  • The Health Buddy asks in the morning, prompting a congestive heart patient to weigh herself and check her blood pressure.
  • The Health Buddy then transmits the data to the patient's health-care provider.
  • If the device detects elevated blood sugar levels, for instance, it tells the patient to call her physician.

As novas tecnologias são amigas do Homem!