Decorreu entre 28 e 30 de Junho de 2006, em Budapeste, a Conferência Anual da European Health Management Association, cujo tema era "ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOUR: OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS TO HEALTH".
Apesar da extrema importância do tema, não esteve presente nenhum Conferencista português. Lamenta-se!
Iremos abordar aqui, várias apresentações de extrema importância, na nossa opinião, poderão contribuir para a melhoria dos serviços de saúde em Portugal.
Desta apresentação, cujo título foi "Are Dutch hospitals well prepared for the coming liberalisation and market forces?", retiramos algumas idéias - chave:
The Dutch hospitals are preparing themselves energetically on the steadily increasing liberalization and the introduction of market forces. Changes in middle management, both in structure as in people, more attention to leadership and entrepreneurship in the selection of board members, high investments in ICT and administrative processes and the development of more business like plans. Board members and supervisors developed certainly a positive attitude towards the liberalization and the strategic freedom that it will give them.Contudo, há alguns obstáculos a vencer, como sejam:
seize a real corporate grip on finances and (medical) performances and production; undertake the right external initiatives swiftly and with full dedication (they often miss the right combination of plans and decisive action); develop and implement the right organizational structures for a cooperation with entrepreneurial professionals.Verificamos que no caso Holandes, há algumas semelhanças com o caso Português, quando se afirma "The strategic top of Dutch hospitals is certainly in a transitional phase" e " This becomes evident by the confusion we found over the most suited leadership profile for future hospital boards".
Terminamos, com esta frase - indecisão: "preparing the hospital sector for liberalization looks a lot like pumping the gas while pulling the breaks".