Friday, September 29, 2006

Gravidez saudável

Um estudo levado a cabo na Suécia, junto de 150.000 mulheres, que tiveram 2 filhos, entre 1992 e 2001, vem concluir que uma gravidez programada saudavelmente, deve ter em conta o que a futura mãe come antes e durante a gravidez: "The results provide new evidence that overweight or obese women who plan to become pregnant should lose weight, and that women with healthy weights should avoid packing on pounds before pregnancy, the researchers said".

Algumas consequências verificadas:

  • If she gained just 7 pounds before her second pregnancy.......she would also raise her risk of becoming diabetic during the second pregnancy by about 30 percent.
  • If she gained 13 pounds.........her diabetes risk would double.
  • Overall, the new study says gaining 1 or 2 BMI (body mass index) units increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy by up to 40 percent.

Nota: 1 libra equivale a menos de 0,5 quilogramas.