Thursday, July 13, 2006

Uma nova esperança para o HIV

Lemos aqui, que "A once-a-day pill that combines three medicines for people with HIV has been approved in the U.S.". Ou seja, os doentes com HIV/ Sida, têm uma esperança adicional. Ainda segundo a mesma notícia, "Atripla combines Viread (tenofovir), and Emtriva (emtricitabine), made by Gilead Sciences Inc., and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.'s drug Sustiva (efavirenz)". Ou seja, "The three drugs work to suppress HIV by blocking an enzyme the virus needs to replicate". Apesar de tudo tem efeitos secundários, "Atripla's side-effects may include abnormal dreams, hallucinations and kidney problems. It can also cause birth defects." E, finalmente, custa muito caro: "A month's supply will cost about $1,150 US".