Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sociedade Prozac

Vivemos na "sociedade Prozac", gostemos ou não. Segundo um estudo, desenvolvido nos E.U.A., "An estimated 1 percent of Americans, or about three million people, mostly young women, will at some point suffer from the self-starvation and obsessive anxiety about weight that characterize anorexia". Deste total, "about two-thirds of them receive treatment with Prozac or similar antidepressants, which are considered generally interchangeable". Só que neste rigoroso estudo, conclui-se que "researchers from Columbia and the University of Toronto monitored 93 women, ages 16 to 45, who, after receiving intensive psychotherapy, gained enough weight to fall into the normal range".

No mesmo estudo conclui-se que "After a year, 26 percent of those on Prozac and 31 percent of those taking placebo pills remained in a healthy weight range, the study found. The differences between the two groups, in weight and on measures of beliefs about food and weight gain, were not large enough to be significant".

Ou seja, valerá a pena tomar prozac, para quem tem anorexia?