Não sabemos o que se passa em Portugal, sobre o acesso a medicamentos sob prescrição. Nos EUA, a situação não é boa, sobretudo tendo em conta que muitos dos que acedem aos medicamentos são jovens e podem utilizá-los com fins não desejáveis.
- A growing number of teenagers say it's easier to illegally obtain prescription drugs than to buy beer, according to a survey published today.
- The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University asked: "Which is easiest for someone your age to buy: cigarettes, beer, marijuana, or prescription drugs such as OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin or Ritalin, without a prescription?" Nineteen percent of teenagers found it easier to purchase prescription drugs than cigarettes, beer or marijuana, compared with 13 percent a year ago.
Mas, o pior é que os jovens têm uma confiança excessiva nos medicamentos: "Kids think that because these are medicines that are prescribed, they are safe," she said. "The problem is that there is very little difference between the amount they take for a high and the amount that causes an overdose."