Thursday, July 10, 2008

As salmonelas

Fonte: aqui.

As salmonelas têm algumas conotações com os ovos, a maionese, o calor e o Verão. Nos EUA, as salmonelas têm sido uma praga, relacionada com tomates e outros legumes. Vejamos esta notícia, que indicia problemas de saúde pública relevantes:
  • More than 1,000 people across the United States have been struck with salmonella in an outbreak that has US health authorities eyeing raw tomatoes, chili peppers and cilantro used in salsa, the Food and Drug Administration said.
  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) believes that the popular ingredients for Mexican-style salsa may be linked to the outbreak of the salmonella serotype Saintpaul which began three months ago.
  • At this time, the FDA is advising people in high risk populations such as elderly persons, infants and people with impaired immune systems to avoid eating raw jalapeno and raw serrano peppers,".
Já nem se pode comer salada no tempo de Verão!