Há longos anos, que as mulheres são aconselhadas a realizarem mamografias, a partir dos 40 anos. Isto, porque a prevenção na saúde, é a melhor forma de ter melhor saúde e gastar menos recursos.
- The Department of Health-backed study, involving 160,000 women, found yearly screening made no impact on breast cancer deaths in this age group.
- In the study, funded by Cancer Research UK, a third of the women received annual screening invitations at the age of 40 and two-thirds only the usual three-yearly screening invite at the age of 50
- From their findings, the researchers estimate screening from age 40 could save four lives for every 10,000 women screened.
- But the benefit of screening women in their 40s needs to be balanced against possible negative considerations. For example screening at younger ages would increase a woman's radiation exposure, which can contribute to breast cancer risk.
É difícil tomar uma decisão sensata, face a estudos realizados em tempos diferentes, com resultados diferentes.