Wednesday, May 03, 2006

O dinheiro não é tudo

Vimos aqui, que a saúde dos Americanos é pior do que a dos Ingleses. E até se afirma, "Even the healthiest Americans — those at the highest income and education level — had rates of diabetes and heart disease similar to the least healthy in England". Então porquê as diferenças? Diz-se que "But the reasons behind the seeming English-American health disparity remain a mystery. The differences were not explained by lifestyle factors, such as the American tendency to obesity or the English tendency to drink more heavily." E pior do que tudo isso, "as Americans spend about twice as much annually as the English ($5,274 versus $2,164, both in U.S. dollars)". Os que pensam que resolvem tudo com dinheiro, estão enganados!