Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cólera sem controlo

Fonte: aqui.

Zimbabwe is at risk of another outbreak of cholera later on because it failed to deal with causes of the epidemic that began last year, aid agencies say. Both Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and the UN are warning of fresh outbreaks of the disease, which has killed more than 4,000 people since last August. Millions of Zimbabweans remain without access to clean water, the UN says.

The number of cholera cases has tailed off recently, leading Zimbabwean officials to declare the epidemic over. But MSF's Rian van de Braak said the threat was "definitely not over". Everyone expects cholera to be back... because the root cause for the outbreak has not been addressed adequately yet," she said. "The dilapidated water and sewage systems are still a major problem."

A Gripe A causou até agora: O vírus H1N1 da gripe A já matou 1799 pessoas em todo o mundo.