Sunday, July 29, 2007

E-Health: status

A revolução tecnológica na saúde será incomensurável. Será. Pois, entretanto, vai andando! Vejamos esta notícia:
  • "Electronic medical records could help us learn from every encounter with a patient," said Agus, an oncologist and director of the Spielberg Family Center for Applied Proteomics at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
  • For now, many medical records remain in paper files that are easily lost, sometimes hard to read and less-than-convenient to locate, share and compare.
  • Meanwhile, patient privacy issues, complaints about costs, competition among technology providers and doctors' apparent reluctance to embrace the system have left many medical records in the informational Stone Age.
  • According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 1 in 10 U.S. physicians in 2005 were using systems that included prescription and diagnostic test orders, test results and physician notes, which are vital to a complete health information network.

E em outros países, para além dos EUA, como é que vai a revolução digital na saúde:

  • Denmark leads the pack among European and English-speaking countries when it comes to using digital information to deliver health care, according to the Commonwealth Fund.
  • The Danish government provides health care for its citizens and most of their health information is kept in a single system that can be accessed and updated by an individual's primary care doctor and other medical professionals.
  • Anyone who has personally -- or through an acquaintance or family member -- grappled with a complex or terminal medical condition knows just how difficult it can be to keep track of specialist visits, hospital stays and prescription drugs -- and how valuable it is for doctors, patients and family members to have immediate access to complete records during a health crisis.

A Dinamarca só tem 4 milhões de habitantes. A Dinamarca não tem petróleo. A Dinamarca limita-se a organizar os seus recursos, sobretudo os recursos humanos. Será que estes exemplos não poderão ser analisados pelos nossos Dirigentes políticos, élites empresariais e intelectuais?